Comparative constructions in Suansu and the languages of northeastern India [Not quotable]


  • Jessica Ivani University of Zürich


Suansu, Tibeto-Burman, typology, comparative constructions, language documentation


This paper provides a first description of comparative constructions in Suansu, an unreported Tibeto-Burman language spoken in northeastern India, and frames the characteristics of Suansu comparative constructions from a typological perspective (following Stassen’s 1985 classification). To this purpose, comparative constructions from a sample of 28 Tibeto-Burman languages of the area are collected in an ad-hoc designed database and typologically discussed. Results reveal the presence of two main types that cluster geographically in the region, as well as high internal variation with respect to the subtypes. Based on the classification, Suansu is assigned to the Exceed comparative type, the only representative of this type in the sample.

2021-10-11 – Editor's Note

In agreement with the Author, the Editors have temporarily retracted the article “Comparative constructions in Suansu and the languages of northeastern India”. After publication of the article, well-founded concerns were brought to the attention of the Editors regarding the reliability of some of the cited published sources and, consequently, regarding the representation of some of the data presented. The Editors requested the author to correct these data accordingly. An amended version of the article will be published in a subsequent issue of the journal after a new round of revision. The temporarily retracted article must not be quoted.

2022-04-14 – Editor's Note

A revised version of this paper has been published in vol. 2, no. 1 (2022). It is available here:


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How to Cite

Ivani J. Comparative constructions in Suansu and the languages of northeastern India [Not quotable]. LTC [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];1(1):94-123. Available from: