Comparative of inferiority: marking and aspects of use


  • Valeria Modina Saint Petersburg State University / Institute for Linguistic Studies Russian Academy of Sciences



Comparison, comparative constructions, comparative of inferiority, language typology, rivalry, Russian


In this paper the comparative of inferiority (‘A is less tall than B’) is discussed in regards to its coding and functioning. The classification of the marking is based on the connection of the marking of inferiority to the marking of other constructions of comparison. Thus, two main types of the marking are distinguished: specific and derived.  The discussion of some problematic issues connected to the comparative of inferiority accompanies the description of the marking. The findings in the marking are interpreted as signs of the markedness of the comparative of inferiority. The remaining part of the paper is devoted to the description of the functions of the comparative of inferiority and its aspects of use as suggested by the data from Russian.


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How to Cite

Modina V. Comparative of inferiority: marking and aspects of use. LTC [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];1(1):179-222. Available from: